How To Pick Your Perfect Travel Destination

Jacq Cecilia
3 min readOct 8, 2023


Tokyo, Japan 🇯🇵

Maybe you really want to travel but you’re stuck on figuring out where to go, or more importantly how to get here. Depending on where you are in life you may have more opportunities than you think to travel, and even better travel for free.

If you are still in school, even as young as high school the best option for you is going to be study abroad opportunities. For a multitude of reasons these are the best to go for because there are full scholarships, partial scholarships, grants, volunteer programs, etc that you can utilize. Also, the visa process for students is MUCH easier to allow you to stay/live abroad for a longer time than it would be if you were just hoping to travel abroad.

If you are out of school, travel is a blank canvas. You’ve got endless options so much so that planning it will be in your hands.

You can consider taking a job in another country — maybe the field you studied is in high demand in that country. For example, engineers are usually classified as highly skilled workers and thus have an easier time receiving a visa to work abroad than other professions. There are always opportunities to teach English around the world as well, that is if you are hoping to go to a country that doesn’t have English as a first language.

So let’s break down where to start.

Firstly you’re going to want to select where you want to travel. Although I’m sure many of you want to go everywhere, not every destination is made equally. The country and even more specifically, city you choose to go to can greatly affect what options you have for accommodation, transportation, etc. and it will affect your budget.

To start, write down places you are interested in visiting, and then below it write down what are the main things you are concerned about with traveling.

Do you prioritize budget? Safety? Food options? Weather? Which activities do you want to do? The more specific you can be about what it is you want to get out of your trip the more you can start to narrow down to plan your first trip. The search then becomes finding locations that peak your interest while matching your criteria.

The next thing to consider is, where are your friends? Do you know of anyone located in these countries that you want to visit? For your first travel experience ever, it can make it easier to go where you already know someone. Even just knowing someone who is local to that area can give you an entirely different travel experience. They will have insider tips on the best spots and recommendations and may even be able to show you places that you would not have heard of if you weren’t from there.

It doesn’t have to even be out of the country, domestically you can still find people from a different city or state from you that have interesting recommendations to share. Practicing asking for advice and taking the trip will only make the process easier in the future.

Listen to the full podcast episode to learn more tips!

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